All from the same family, Ira (Rai) Samser (Rai) and Kaji (Rai) were with us for 10 days of trek. At seven, we've become a great family and I must admit that the attachment was done quickly, even if our culture seems to be more expressive in this regard. Kaji was our guide and translator (English / French) from Parfums d'Adventure, Ira and Samser our porters. Ira made us think twice about our supposed “equipment” needs as he was impressive with “nothing”. I really enjoyed how Samser was responsible and the fact he was always at my side for photography. Kaji has superbly managed the trek and learned us a lot. We keep a wonderful memory of them, our shared days and nights, an aperitif we offer them or a meal they concocted for us.
I made these photos including portraits – classical and Close-ups – to give them and we do not regret anything in making the trip with more than 15 kg extra shirts, jackets, shoes and other stuffs to offer.
Anyway, I open a parenthesis:
We have problems regarding donation in our society with for example the “Secours Catholique” always deserted and without reception at 10am; Emmaüs closed on Monday, “employees” who set aside donations for them; associations that refuse to move while you offer the entire content of a house; those who refuse clothing with a small hole under humanists and nauseous pretext, and so on! Short, ultra-social kills the basic meaning of the process. I no longer make donation in France – and I am far from alone, a simple internet search reveals this – the fault?: These associations and the demagogy of our country.
Samser Rai, porter
Kaji Rai, guide
Ira Rai, porter
Ira Rai, porter
Samser Rai, porter
Kaji Rai, guide
Some other photos
Ira Rai s'amuse devant l'objectif. | Ira having fun with the camera.Samser m'accompagnait partout pour mes photos. Il m'a énormément aidé. | Samser helped me a lot for the photography, he was always with me.Kaji nous démontre les qualités de grimpeur des népalais. | Kaji show us the nepali abilities.Ira, toujours amusé, et amusant. | Ira, always happy.Samser RaiSamser RaiIra, Samser et Kaji à 4600 m pour le passage de col. | Ira, Samser and Kaji at 4600 m high.Kaji, qui nous aura quand même fait plus d'une frayeur ! | Kaji, he was sometimes frightening us!Samser et Kaji font les pitres. | Samser and Kaji having fun.Ira RaiSamser se joue de moi :) | Samser play with me :)En mode beau gosse. | Acting like a model.Samser tente de me surprendre. | Samser's trying to surprise me.Samser Rai & moi (Ira en arrière-plan) | Samser Rai & me (Ira in background)