Time Lapse and some video shots Quick overview Lionel find occupation during the Time Lapse by drawing aboriginal shapes on the sand Just the once will not hurt… My camera (was protected under plastic bag), after 3h of Time Lapse in a sandstorm

Time Lapse and some video shots Quick overview Lionel find occupation during the Time Lapse by drawing aboriginal shapes on the sand Just the once will not hurt… My camera (was protected under plastic bag), after 3h of Time Lapse in a sandstorm
This kind of spider is very easy to find at night. The method —given by our friends Yannick— is easy and really effective. At night, place your headlamp and turn it on. Then just walk around turning your head here and there and as soon as a bright spot appears on the ground, you can […]
Weaver ants or Green ants (genus Oecophylla) are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera). Weaver ants are obligately arboreal and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk. […] Oecophylla smaragdina found in Australia often have bright green gasters.
Ci-après, la vidéo du travail complet de reconstruction de l'arrière-plan sur Photoshop, en moins de 20 min. Tout autre travail réalisé (ajustement de couleurs, etc.) l'aura été sous Aperture. Notez que Photoshop m'est totalement inutile pour 99,9% des photos présentées sur le site ; attention de ne pas se laisser aveugler par son nom… La vidéo n'est pas commentée. Pour toute question, j'aurais plaisir à vous répondre dans les commentaires de ce post.
For many Flickr users, the Holy Grail is get in . Explore is a showcase of what is supposed to be better on Flickr, but it must be that we are pretty far off. The thing being automated, everyone's (well almost…) trying to break through the algorithm behind the feature. Thus small groups of people […]
We made as soon as possible to avoid further disrupting this little guy (although he did not seem to care about us). So the photos (and video) are bad, but it will give you an idea. As for the scale, it should be within 25-30 cm long. We met it as we walked along the […]
As everywhere in these latitudes, the greens are of a power quite amazing and the camera has all the trouble to return your feeling when such colors surrounds you. Memories of life in Madagascar, Reunion Island, etc., which continually make me take the measure, so different of my life in Paris… Short video extract:
Time-lapse réalisé pendant le coucher du soleil aux chutes de la Barron (260 m), saison sèche, dans Le parc national des gorges de la Barron, Queensland - Australie.
, I continue with this bats skewer. Speaking about shooting and processing, I use, once again, my “to the right” exposure technique, to gain information in dark areas such as wings, then readjust the exposure in post-production. I also remove a piece of branch in the upper right corner. Below, a very poor video (I […]